Don’t Get Duped by Discount Lawyers!

At Romanow Law Group, We Don’t Need Gimmicks to Get You Results

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, it’s critical that you don’t get lured in by the cheesy commercials and gimmicks of “discount lawyers.” Just like buying a $2 steak, discount lawyers cost less because they’re poor quality.

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Don’t Forget That You Get What You Pay For

At Romanow Law Group we don’t need to hide behind gimmicks or try to fool you into thinking you’re getting more bang for your buck. That’s because we back up everything that we say with our impressive case results and 5-star ratings from our clients. Let our experienced Pittsburgh personal lawyers fight to get you the biggest payout possible. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Hiring a Cheap Lawyer Can Be Expensive

Trusting a discount lawyer with the future of your health and finances is a huge gamble that could end up costing you more money in the long run. If your car needed its engine replaced, you wouldn’t just hire any mechanic to do the job because they were the cheapest. The same can be said if you needed your home’s roof repaired or if you were looking for trustworthy childcare. There’s more to choosing a service than simply looking at the price. Remember, you get what you pay for.

Beware of discount lawyers promising to get you more money by charging you smaller fees. They’re easy to spot. The discount lawyer will use in-your-face advertising to talk about how much money you’ll save by letting them represent you when in reality their legal fees are only slightly lower than the industry standard. They hope that you won’t put two and two together and realize that discount fees don’t mean anything if you’re getting discounted results.

Discount lawyers charge less because they typically:

  • Have less experience
  • Get you less money
  • Rely on case volume for revenue (quantity over quality)
  • Claim to have your back but will treat you like a number

In most cases, you only get one chance to recover compensation for all your accident-related expenses. Don’t miss out on the payout you deserve. The last thing you want to do is let a discount lawyer handle your case and end up with a fraction of the money you could have received had you gone to an experienced law firm like us.

Our Pittsburgh Personal Injury Lawyers Are Worth It

While it’s tempting to hire a lawyer that’s offering a discount contingency fee, use caution before you decide to go with a law firm that advertises itself as having the lowest attorney’s fees. Don’t forget, time is money. Since they’re already working at a discount, do you really think they’ll have the incentive to give your case the personal attention it deserves or put in the extra effort to get you more money? Many times, these discount lawyers don’t even have the decency to call you back if they don’t think your case is big enough.

Be smarter with your money. At Romanow Law Group, our personal injury attorneys have the knowledge and experience to maximize the value of your claim and get you the highest amount of compensation you deserve. We know how important your case is and what quality legal representation is worth, which is why our fees are in line with the industry standard. We don’t rely on gimmicks to get results, and we’re worth every penny.

If you were injured in a Pittsburgh accident, call 1-844-GET-MORE or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced personal injury attorneys. We can review the details of your case, discuss your legal options, answer your questions, and let you know what to expect moving forward.